Well, one year later here we are. One quick year later. The SWXC managed to average nearly 2 club events PER MONTH this past year. I think we did a pretty good job of holding 4x4 and 4x2 friendly events. Granted most of the club gravitates towards the 4x4 world, but we did manage to squeeze in some really cool 4x2 activities.

Normally, I am not one for formal, praise thee and thou letters, but sometimes, ya have to do it. I would like to thank all of the officers for 2004 and everyone, and I mean everyone, who helped plan and coordinate activities, this past year. Our club is what we make of it, and boy did we make it a heck of a year! New sponsors, cool events, interesting newsletters, and more and more members.

Speaking of the club newsletter. It takes a lot, and I mean a lot, of effort to do the club newsletter. Between having to go to the events, come up with clever (ok, maybe they all weren’t clever, but ya gotta try) articles, and finishing the layout, it takes some concerted teamwork to get it done. So, unless we have someone step up to the plate for next year, the newsletter will be going away – for now. What?!?! How are you going to keep abreast of what is going on in the club? Well, instead of a full-blow newsletter, there will be individual write-ups of each event as it comes to a close. Doing one article at a time is far easier to deal with than a whole publication. As we wait for the next SWXC Pulitzer Prize winner to step up to bat, that is the plan for next year.

Just the other day the SWXC did a Cruise-in at Sonic for our quarterly club meeting. Everyone got to meet some of our newest members, and even some old members came out of the woodwork and made an appearance. Enough vehicles were there that we filled up two entire rows! Speaking of old club members, our newest club secretary is Dan. Yes, THAT Dan. Ex-club Prez from 2003 decided to grace us with his appearance, and as a reward we elected him to an officer position. Discussed at the meeting were some upcoming events. We have wheelin at Shiloh Ridge and Katemcy in February and building on the success of The Fish Fry, new club VP Glen nominated his place to hold a Crawfish Broil in March. Keep in touch on XOC and the SWXC message board for updates and whatnot on all of our upcoming events. Oh yeah, before I forget, congrats to Walt, Glen and Amanda. They were the lucky winners of a K&N Polo Shirt, 5 person tent and ice cooler respectively. (Glen, you now have ZERO excuse for going to a hotel and not camping out.)

Well, that is it from me. Short, abrupt, sweet. (Not me; the message smile ) C-ya on the road, trails, or where ever we shall meet up in 2005!

Scott Heise
2004/2005 SWXC Prez
SWXC Member #61
Stop plate tectonics!