Did a little searching but didn't come up with much. I don't have time to really dig around on this site as I've been working a whole lot lately frown

I seem to have 2 leaks on my X and I can't seem to find either one of them. I have general areas where it seems the leaks are coming from but can't nail it down.

One seems to be a power steering fluid leak. Up under the X one side is covered in some oily substance but none of my fluids seem to be low. Here's a few shots with the nasty oily stuff:

Odd Oil
Odd Oil2
Odd Oil3

Here's a top shop where the power steering fluid tank is:

Power Steering Hose

And one shot from up under the X where I saw a bead of oily stuff tryin to drop off the copper part near that Y:


Here's a shot of the opposite side that's clean (meaning no oil) so you can see the difference:
Dry Side

Here's a close up of where the colant seems to be coming from:

Coolant Leak Close

and one from away a bit:

Coolant Leak Far

What would this cost me to take it in? I can't find that cooland leak but it is leaking and it only seems to do it at rest. I run the vehicle to build up pressure but I guess the leak isn't big enough. At rest over night there's a small puddle of cooland under where the trans connects to the motor as you can see in the pic. I'm guessing it's running down from some where else maybe?

The power steering hose seems to be an easy fix but the hose seems tight already not sure how/where it's leaking from either.

Am I looking at under $1000 if I take this into an authorized dealer? Have we had any in the NB/Austin/SA area take their X into anyone they trust? I hate taking mine in but i can't seem to pin point these 2 leaks frown