I know there are alot of wax questions out there. I did a search and looked over all of them. My question is I have a molton lava xterra and I want the paint to shine. I had a show car prior to my X and would spend a full day stripping it, glazing it, and polishing it. Well that is over now. I want a wax to protect it and shine good, but to last a while too. My X sits out every night so it really needs to last. Right now I use Meguire's cleaner wax. It is ok but does not last too long. I have read about the three step process, but don't want to do that. What about Meguire #26, Zymoil, or others. I have used Zymoil car soap before and it did a good job. So I know it should be a good product. I need so wax. What about the cleaner waxes. Are they bad for your surface? Please help me out. Thanks