I've got 65k on my 2001 X. I've kept up on most of the normal maintenance, doing it all myself (great idea - learned quite abit about the truck). I have not had the diffs, the transfer case fluid, or the manual transmission fluid changed. Nissan seems to recommend this around 60k, but I've heard (here and elsewhere) that with these fluids it's best to change every 30k or so and if you don't it's best to leave the current fluids in there as the accumulated gunk can damage parts if the fluids are changed.

Is this correct? Is 65k or so an appropiate place to change these fluids for the first time? Or is that true of some of these and not the others? Thanks so much and please excuse my ignorance. wink
"It is better to solve the right problem the wrong way than the wrong problem the right way."