Just got back from the first Official MADCityXOC outing at Hayward/Seeley/Cable in the Chequamegon National Forest and boy are my arms tired! [Too much XOC] I want to start by saying everyone was great. Best bunch of guys and gals around. The KOA Hayward WI was the best also. If anyone is going to that area I would definitely recommend it. They bent over backwards for us. Nobody was arrested (not that anyone misbehaved), one ding from a jack and several small branch scraps. But that was all. Two stuck trucks, a mud hole two ATV's got stuck in the day before. And one hill climb that bested all but the locked Liberty (good job Tom and Fern). What a great weekend. We could not have asked for a nicer day on Saturday. Found some great trails, then found even better ones later in the afternoon but never got out of the SE quadrant of Cable, just SE of Telemark Ski Resort. We will be doing this again in the fall so keep checking back. Pictures should be posted soon and we now have stickers for sale for the club for a nominal $3.00 each which covers the cost of making them. If anyone is interested e-mail me below. See you on the trails again soon! [Wave]