While off-roading, not only on the Xterra. Heres my small (luckily) list:

1. 2 exhaust systems from the cat back. They were pinched shut & had to remove them to return home. (Ram)

2. 2 front auto hubs. Wouldn't disengage, had to remove the guts to return home. ('93 Ranger)

3. rear bumber ripped off. Took it home in the bed. (Ram)

4. Tail light lens. (Ram)

5. Surprisingly only one tire. (Ranger)

6. Misc. body damage. (Ram/Ranger)

No broken axles or major stuff yet. smile

The Xterra is not allowed to partake in activities that may cause severe damage, so sayeth the owner/wife.

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: seamonkey ]
"Screw you, we're from Texas"- Ray Wylie Hubbard

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