Originally posted by GAKII:
I'll be there. Where do we meet? I will bringing a friend or two. By the way, anybody know what HOV stands for with regard to 4WD (Sorry if this is a stupid question)
Well, HOV means "High Occupancy Vehicle" usually associated with using the carpool lanes

Perhaps HOV and 4WD are related in the sense that HOV is really OHV mis-typed...
OHV means "Off-Highway Vehicle"

Hmmm. Maybe that means a Ford Excursion is an HOV OHV! :p [LOL] [Too much XOC]

4x4 in uppercase is $X$!!!
1997 R50: VG33E/RE4R01A/TX10/3.7/R200A/ARB/4.636/H233B/ARB/4.636/321150R15