Originally posted by Jimi James:
Kind of silly really that there aren't upcoming club runs posted in this section so that new / perspective members can go out and at least do a meet & greet. I went on one BC run in 2005 but missed the other two (too busy or lazy as it were to get back into the loop again). They seemed to keep getting postponed a lot because of mixed schedules.

There's more interest in this thread here than there is usually on a BC run on the PNWX site. My suggestion is that if you guys are looking to go out and do a run together that you just organize it here. They are good guys at PNWX but you aren't really far off in thinking that it is mostly Washington / Oregon based.
ehh, I believe you have access to the PNWX forum, why not post the suggestion there?. and I think you should re consider the last comment
Sharam can have my sister