Originally posted by Big Daddy Chia:
Gonna have to pass. Its the same week as Trish's doctor appointment and I have to go with her so I cant work thursday to make up for taking saturday off. God damn this kids pissin me off already and he hasnt been born yet.
Get used to it! You'll have even less time when he start's sports, and scouts, and all the other activities he's got to get to. Then when you have the second one that eliminates any passing the duties to your wife to get him there, since she will be driving the other one to all her volleyball games. girl scout meetings, etc! We (Cindy and I) each get to see about 3/4 of what our child do, since it always seems that if they each have something to do on a certain, both will be at the same time, or close enough so you can't do both!
Carrollton RACES/ARES #4007/A07