Interesting post Walt, but it is mostly irrelevant.

The club cannot rely on its past laurels as an indictment on where we should be now, and in the future. Your post is quite to the point… if this were the year 2000. The internet has evolved, and the club has evolved. We need a single, easy point of contact, and the message board on the club site is the option that makes sense. Think about it. If you were a newb, and signed up on the TXXC site via the club application, how would you feel if you were told ‘Yeah, you can post here, but you would be better off going to site www, xxx, yyy and zzz.’ Oh joy, I just paid club dues to attend other sites!

Is it not interesting that here you sit talking about ‘rebuilding’ the club, yet you are not talking about it over on the club website? The SWXC/TXXC is not XOC. Old-timers may fondly remember how ‘it was’ when the club initially started, but how ‘it was’ is not how ‘it is’. I would ask, why are old-timers so against posting on the club site? Is it because you do not know how to get to it, or is there a political reason to avoid the club site and stay on XOC?

There are many more sites now that people can go to. To keep the TXXC afloat, the current and future administrations will need to deal with two core issues that have been around since the beginning. One, stirring up interest and getting people to come out to events. Plan on a 50% flake factor, and make the event a huge deal, even if just one person shows up. If people think the administration cares about them as members, they will be more apt to attend events. Two, political bullshit. People will go to the other sites if the petty ‘I want it my way’ crap continues. No one cares who is friends with whom, we all just want to get together and have fun. If it is not fun, people will flock to the other sites. Why put up with crap on the TXXC, if you can have fun elsewhere? And before anyone gets their panties in a wad this is very relevant. Two splinter clubs have taken off in a huge way do to the bullshit people encountered on XOC. Need proof? The TXXC used to have PAGES of posts, now we have what, 4 a month?


Take an interest in the club you are trying to rebuild by posting on the club’s site. Again, XOC may be a great resource, but it is not the club.

(BTW – If any of this sounded like a personal attack, you have my apologies. This is nothing personal, just a response to your post.)

SWXC Member #61
Stop plate tectonics!