
I received a call and some mail the other day about the SWXC partaking in the Texas Wakeboard Tour. Huh? In short, watersporting event to be held in Austin, Houston, and DFW later in the year. What they want from us, is for our club to send 5-10 vehicles from each area (if possible) to park, and be displayed with the other Nissan vehicles being supplied by Nissan North America. All you have to do is show up, get in for free, park your truck, and hang out on the beach/shore all day while eating food, listening to local radio stations on site, check out some swim suit competitions and whatever else. They want to have a 'competition' of sorts between the trucks to where the winner will get new speakers from Kicker.

I may not have done that good of a job selling it above, but it does sound like alot of fun. Get in for FREE, hang out in the sun, do beach activities, eat, win free stuff? I can dig it. Can YOU?
SWXC Member #61
Stop plate tectonics!