A couple items that came up in the last few posts.

1. Yes, according to the ordinance, no matter who uses your car and commits the offense, the fine belongs to the owner of the vehicle. As the owner, you have the opportunity to tell them who was driving if it wasn't you, but that does not release you from responsibility. YOU are still responsible if the other party does not pay. Yes, ostensibly you know who you loan a vehicle to, and expect them to be responsible with it otherwise you wouldn't do it. But when a ticket arrives in the mail two weeks later, it is not always easy to determine who was driving and who is really responsible. It's also possible that the person didn't know they were incurring these tickets and can rack up a lot of them in a short time. Stories abound. In the case of an actual traffic stop, this can not happen because the actual driver is issued the ticket at the time of the infraction, in that case it is abundantly clear who committed the offense and there are no surprises. This creates a genuinely unfair predicament.

2. If you prove the car was stolen I believe you can get out of the ticket, but I am not sure about that from a reliable source.

3. I agree that the operator should be responsible not the owner.

4. I agree also that this is primarily an argument about freedom from living under surveilance by the government. I was against it before I got a ticket, and am still against it now.

5. Let's not forget my original intent for this post, which was to warn people that they are using these cameras for speeding tickets as well as stop violations, something they don't advertise and was a surprise to me. All other debates aside, this was my main intent, to get the word out.