I'm somewhat familiar with your area, at least navigating the freeways anyway, Mapquest says it about 2hrs via the 60 to the 5 to the 14, but I would probably opt for the 210 to the 5 to the 14, I'd think you'd shave a little time there. Again, as per mapquest, we're about 2.5hrs from Mojave, so you could leave home a little later than us and meet up at about the same time. From Mojave it should only be 20 miles or so, but I was not sure yet if we'd go straight to the campground, or head off onto a trail first, then hit the campground, alot depends on if we're trying to meet others, or if its just the 3 of us. If you have the Backcountry adventures book for Southern Ca, we're looking into central mountains #23 and surrounding trails. Feel free to join, do you have to work Monday?