How much work does it take to keep this site running? How many hours a day? Do you have to mess with it on weekends? Do you have to spend time arguing with advertisers? Legal battles with Nissan, Jeep, pissed off former members? Late at night does your wife come in dressed in something sexy, rub your shoulders and plead with you to come to bed, only to be rebuffed "not now honey, there's a guy in St.Paul who needs to know if cranking his torsion bars will let him fit 38"'s, and if so, what type of mileage will he get?", "damn it honey, you know I can't let this racial-political debate go un-moderated, real people are typing here, someone could get hurt!". I'm just kinda curious, I'm sure some think you set it all up one afternoon, and haven't had to look back since, while others imagine you constantly hunched over a keyboard, monitoring and replying to our every post all the while trying to repair and upgrade the board as best you can between all of our thoughtless ramblings. I'm guessing the actual answer lies somewhere in between.
Oh, and before someone other than Ian jumps my shit... I am in no way accusing Ian of being lazy... or obsessed with the board... it's just a question. I'm very grateful for the hard work Ian puts into this board. Please try not to read anything into the question, its just a question, and I apologize right now for any spelling or grammatical mistakes it may contain, and my X gets between 14 and 17 miles per gallon... that should just about cover all the bullshit replies.