Mine is reserved too. They start at $12K.

I think they will sell like hotcakes - the price will do it.

If they keep the MPG at 50, I'll get one hands down. Perfect for commuting. I'm not getting rid of my X, by any stretch but I don't want to run the miles up on it.

And at this price, they make a great second car. The best thing that could happen is for gas prices to go up and stay up - finally force people to start looking at alternatives...

Originally posted by Hawk:
From what I've read, you'll be able to change the color of your car pretty much whenever you want a change. The body panels are removeable and changeable I guess..
They have clubs in Europe and you can exchange panels with other smart car owners - I would expect similar things to crop up over here - esp. in the bigger cities.
Murderous Fire!