Originally posted by NismoXse02:

Quick question for those who have this camera... can you use your lcd screen to see what you're taking pictures of instead of looking through the view finder? Right now, we're reading through the manual and haven't come across anything that says you can. This was the first thing I noticed. confused

There are several reasons why a DSLR will not do that.

1) There is a mirror between the sensor and the lens. This mirror allows the viewfinder to work. When the mirror is in the down position, it blocks the line of sight between the lens and the sensor.

2) the sensor is off when not taking an image. That ensures that it doesnt heatup. A "hot" sensor will produce more noise.

3) Its usually better to actually put your eye actually up to the viewfinder. This allows you to compose better shots thru the viewfinder and your cheek acts as a stabilizer for less camera shake. How many times do you see people holding a digital camera at arms length and then complain about blury photos? Well duh..... your hands will be more stable the closer you hold them to your body. The "nose stabilizer" rules!

4) Speed. Ever wonder why a standard p&s camera has such a long delay from the time you press the button to the time it actually takes the shot. Ever miss a shot because of this lag? Notice that your new DSLR has almost NO lag whatsoever?

To date, only one DSLR can have a real-time running LCD. That is the Olympus evolt. It dodges #1 and #2 cause it has TWO sensors. One for real-time preview on the LCD and one to actually take the photo.

REad this for a better explanation: http://www.xanga.com/PhotoSavant/358046048/item.html

Also - you will notice that your DSLR, does not record videos like a cheap P&S can. This is because the sensor is "off" when not taking pics.

One more thing....

The single-lens reflex (SLR) is a type of camera that uses a movable mirror placed between the lens and the film to project the image seen through the lens to a matte focusing screen. Most SLRs use a roof pentaprism or pentamirror to observe the image via an eyepiece,
The cross-section (side-view) of the optical components of an SLR shows how the light passes through the lens assembly (1), is reflected by the mirror (2) and is projected on the matte focusing screen (5). Via a condensing lens (6) and internal reflections in the roof pentaprism (7) the image appears in the eyepiece (8). When an image is taken, the mirror moves in the direction of the arrow, the focal plane shutter (3) opens, and the image is projected onto the film or sensor (4) in exactly the same manner as on the focusing screen.

This feature separates SLRs from other cameras, as the photographer sees the image composed exactly as it will be captured on the film or sensor (see Advantages below).
Source: wikipedia
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