Great thread. I recently decided to pick up a Canon EOS 40D - will be traveling to the galapagos islands next month, and decide now was as good as time as any to jump off the fence and commit [Freak]

I've always preferred Canon's menu systems, and I think they have a better selection of lenses. Plus I have friends with Canon gear who I can swap lenses with smile That and the Nikon D300 won't be out until November, and will cost $500 more - the 40D is a no-brainer for a higher end "prosumer" camera.

When I get back and want to start playing indoors - great site on lighting:

I've been spending so much time in the forums on that I have a pretty severe headache. Talk about drinking from the fire hose!

So now I just have to find one smile I screwed up and didn't order one Thursday from Ritz online, or I would have had it yesterday. Now I should have it by Thursday.
Murderous Fire!