Originally posted by Sean:

You're just another self-centered selfish American prick. It's people like you the Arab world hates.
I'm self centered and selfish because I don't think Americans should pay for AIDS care for the whole world?

I tell you what asshole. Why don't we add a new line to the Federal 1040 form and all you global socialist jerkoffs can donate as much as you want to AIDS in the third world. Keep your hands out of my pocket.

It's not America's problem that they are irresponsible, lazy and too stupid to avoid a totally preventable disease. They all know better. They just don't give a shit. All your self loathing white guilt will never change that. Neither will any amount of cash or plane loads of condoms. How much are you willing to pay to change their entire culture? But wait.. stupid pricks like you can't bring yourself to admit it's their culture that's at fault. It's always America's fault. And these Christians are pure evil for even bringing up the topic of abstaining or even getting married before having sex. Pure evil. Who are they to question indigenous cultural rights of sex on demand from teenage girls and women in their homeland.

Land was taken from Palestinians starting in 1945, and continues today with the establishment of new Jewish settlements. I have no hatered to Jews, or to Israel, just the radicals in power over there.
Land was taken from them... that's news. Jordan (Trans-Jordan)was created as the Palestinian state. How many Palestinian states do you anti-semitic bastards want? Just another permanent terrorist one to constantly churn out death.

What radicals are you talking about? Short memory you Jew hating lefties have. What about the deal in 2000 Ehud Barak offered? Gave them just about everything the terrorist bastards wanted. Your buddy Arafat decided killing Jews and soaking the West for cash was better for business.

We can only hope that when they start blowing up buses and shopping malls in Boston that you or one of your family members are the first to go. I would rather see their fellow supporters die before any innocents.