SNOW - 4 hours of snow and ice to make it over Monarch
Pass. What is usually 2 hours took four today. I hit snow and ice at about Cotopaxi and it was pretty much solid over the top of Monarch. Drive into Gunnison was fine, then hit more snow packed roads until west of Blue Mesa. Roads were clear through to Moab.

BTW - MOAB, UTAH is where I'll be while you guys enjoy more snow in Colorado. laugh

I'll be hitting the trail in the morning. I have chains for all four wheels if needed, but my hope is a little slickrock for three days.

You guy's get things cleaned up by the first when I am coming through denver - Okay?

Hopefully three days of beautiful wheeling in MOAB.

First Xterra IFS or SAS up Moab Rim...#2 up Mt. Blanca.
African Adventure pictures....