I watched the last hour and also took notes about what was being claimed. Here it is....

Notes Continued......

- More bullshit claiming that Islamic terrorism is a fabrication. The government, according to them, fabricates it as a false enemy in order to increase their power.

- 9-11 conspiracy theorist and all around crackpot, Webster Tarpley, rants that terrorism is a government created myth.

- Former FBI agent turned nutcase, Ted Gunderson, rants that the FBI and American government are behind all terrorism including the 1993 WTC bombing and Oklahoma City bombing.

- The loons believe the London 7/7 train bombings were also the work of the British government

- Text on the screen blatantly claims the US government orchestrated the 9-11 attacks. One of the premises is that an "Arab guy" like Osama bin Laden in a remote area couldn't possibly do anything like that.

- Film claims 800,000 have been killed. Claims all the Bill of Rights has been subverted with that claim in text on the screen. Doesn't interview anyone whose rights have supposedly been subverted. No judges interviewed. No Supreme Court Justices interviewed who have ruled on these laws (maybe they are part of the conspiracy)

- Fade in to the famous "I'm as mad as hell" scene from the film "Network" with character Howard Beale

- Photos of people jumping from WTC towers and recorded messages of people trapped in the buildings

- They play excerpts of speech from racist anti-semite and Nazi supporter Charles Lindbergh from Sept. 11, 1941 railing against war (they don't tell the audience that Lindbergh was an anti-semite and Nazi sympathizer)

Part III: Don't Mind The Men Behind The Curtain

- This segment starts at 1:14

- Starts in on central bank conspiracy theories. Presents a lot of misinformation. Film doesn't mention the role of the treasury, securities, or anything else. Clearly designed for those ignorant of the monetary system.

- Film jumps to early 20th century and standard conspiracy theory that has been around for 100 years of prominent banking families creating the Federal Reserve for their own interests.

Here there is so much that the film leaves out because it knows most of the public is completely ignorant of the Federal Reserve System and how it operates.

The film lies and claims the Federal Reserve Act was rammed through Congress without the required votes.

- Claims income tax is unconstitutional. That is also an old conspiracy theory. It is a lie. The film never backs up it's argument with any constitutional proof. Claims 16th Amendment was never ratified. Another lie.

- Claims all your tax dollars go to the "bankers" that run the fed and the world.

- Interviews some former IRS agents who claim there is no law requiring you to pay taxes and they couldn't find the law. I guess that is why they are former agents. They also claim they no longer file their own taxes.

Wesley Snipes must have beens unavailable to be interviewed for the film.

- From the Federal Reserve on to war. The international bankers who run everything love war. It makes them money. They claim the bankers got us into all the wars since the Fed was created of course.

- They claim the Lusitania was intentionally sailed in order to be sunk and drag the country into war.

- Film claims FDR and his banker cronies got us into WWII. Film claims FDR intentionally angered and provoked Japanese into initiating war. Another tired old bullshit conspiracy theory.

- Film makes claims about US businesses and banks doing business with Nazi Germany. Fails to mention many international corporations did business with Germany until they became an enemy.

- Film claims the Gulf of Tonkin incident was phony and staged. An old conspiracy theory started by left wing journalists in the early 80's. Film doesn't mention that North Vietnamese General Giap (in charge of NV forces) admitted to the first attack during the 90's.

- Film claims Vietnam was a war for profit... by the bankers of course. It was correct about the ridiculous rules of engagement during the war. However I'm sure the reasoning is wrong, but fits the conspiracy theory mindset.

- Back to 9-11 being staged so the country could go to war so the evil bankers could make money.

- The film claims 9-11 was also staged to create war on US citizens. To destroy your civil liberties and destroy your ability to fight back.

- Film goes on to tell all kinds of lies about what the government can do to you. Claims they will torture you too. This is typical new conspiracy theory shit that has emerged in the past few years. No proof to back up any claims.

- Says the Nazi's staged attacks to increase domestic power so in their mind 9-11 must be the same thing.

- The tired war for oil conspiracy theory rears it's head. Film claims the invisible people controlling everything want Iraq to be unstable. They claim Iraq will be a launching point to attack other oil producing countries (They mention Syria, but Syria is not a major oil producer)

- Voice over of well known crackpot Lyndon LaRouche claiming our objective is to have Iraqi's destroy each other.

- Film claims U.S. public education system has gone downhill and are making people stupid. That may be true, but certainly not for the reasons this film claims. It claims the federal government wants a dumb and stupid population.

Well... without a dumb and stupid population, the producers of this film wouldn't have had an audience.

- Film claims the proliferation of mass media and entertainment are part of the conspiracy to keep people dumb and unthinking.

- Another scene of a Howard Beale rant from the film "Network" is shown (I should have watched the film "Network" instead of this garbage)

- A photo of Rupert Murdoch and heavy imagery of FoxNews logos are prominently displayed. Extremely little of the MSNBC or CNN logos. It seems according to the film makers FoxNews must be more evil.

- Now on to the North American Union conspiracy bullshit. The US, Canada, and Mexico will be merged according to them and this whacky conspiracy theory.

- Shows a Lou Dobbs clip alluding to this whacky conspiracy theory. It's going to end the United States as we know it.

- Claims a new currency is coming after the "merger" called the Amero.

The North American Union is a conspiracy theory that has been around for the past few years.

- Goes on to talk about the conspiracy leading to one world government controlled by said bankers and capitalists.

- The film quotes David Rockefeller. He is a renowned internationalist, and many of these conspiracy theories for domination involve him and his family. There is a member of the Rockefeller family in the Senate, Jay Rockefeller. He is David Rockefellers nephew. It's funny how he is never interviewed by any of these whacky conspiracy theory people considering they allege he is making money and his family are part of the "men behind the curtain" and the global conspiracy.

- Voice over of the late Aaron Russo who claims he heard all types of plans for world domination from a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was in the entertainment business and is a former tax cheat who had IRS problems. He later made a film called "America: Freedom to Fascism".

The film deceptively does not tell the viewer that the voice over is from a call he made to the Alex Jones Show (Jones is the king of loony conspiracy theorists).

- The film is deceptive and lies about the Real ID Act passed by Congress.

- The film claims the goal of the conspirators is to have everyone eventually implanted with an RFID chip. That's so they can track you, control you, and be used for financial transactions like an implanted credit card. If you don't cooperate or are a dissenter, they can shut down your access to electronic finances and economic activity.

According to the film, even patriotism is bad.

- Film ends with a bunch of voice overs and images flashed on the screen of people like Ghandi, MLK, John Lennon. Then some final text... "The Revolution is Now".

Maybe they mean the Ron Paul Revolution. Conspiracy theorists were attracted to him too like flies on shit.
Two hours of lunacy, bullshit, and total paranoia. Complete paranoia.

According to them, nothing happens by chance. Everything is planned and executed by the secret
conspirators. Secret cabals of puppetmasters have conspired to control the United States and the world for centuries. All the while remaining completely secret and in the shadows.

The film even had a bit of an attitude toward the end. The narrator's voice got a little more intense and there was a contemptuous tone toward anyone who wouldn't believe the bullshit they were selling.

If you want to spend two hours in paranoid, crackpot, la la land, maybe this is for you. For people who have heard all the conspiracy theories, there is nothing new in Zeitgeist. Don't waste your time.