Originally posted by Chris Mc:
Originally posted by MidnightX:
Seriously, I'm done with this thread. The general consensus is that I am an idiot and maybe I need to sit down at night and think about why I am that way. Thanks for opening my eyes!
I think in reality the general consensus is that NY Madman is a crackpot escaped from the looney bin and that the fascist right-wingers aren't worth the effort of trying to argue with due to their real-world blinders and general lack of intelligence. That's why noone else is bothering with this thread. smile [/b]
Madman may be overzealous in some of his opinions from time to time but in this case he is spot on...anyone who even half considers the stuff in that "film" should seriously reexamine the space they are taking up on this planet and proceed to spare us the weight of their existence should they feel so inclined to do so...