OK. Had a revelation. This is as simple a logic for explanation as you're ever going to see.

Step 1:

Ask yourself, "What moves a plane?".

Answer: Engines pushing air: called thrust (equal/opposite reaction, blah blah.)

Step 2:

Ask yourself, "Can the tires move a plane?"

Answer: No. There is no connection between an aircraft's engine and it's tires; look all you want; there's no driveshaft...

Step 3:

Ask yourself, "If there is a conveyor belt under a tire, and the conveyor belt moves, do the tires spin?"

Answer: Yes.

Step 4:

Finally make the ONLY logical conclusion, "If the conveyor belt spins the tires (Step 3), but the tires don't move an airplane (Step 2), then the conveyor has no effect on the plane moving."

There. 4 easy steps to think your way through this thing. If you can't get it with those 4 easy steps, then I suggest you repeat steps 1 and 2 until it finally makes sense to you.

Thank you. Goodnight.
