All of these illegals are the cause of their own problems and ours. They put themselves in the spotlight by making demands they had not rights to. 30 plus years ago, immigrants came here to be Americans, to work hard and earn a living, to assimilate to the American way. Now they just want to come here and do their own thing, favor their own and not give a crap about anyone or anything else. If they love and represent Mexico so much, why the hell are they here, for the handout? When I worked in the prison system in AZ, those figures that the law enforcement is giving on crime percentage is probably close to accurate. On any given day 89-97% of our prison population was mexican, and guess what was being done in the prison, we had to speak spanish and adjust to them, not them to us.

In any other country a visitor is expected to adjust to the culture and language or it's people wouldn't help you out. I know for a fact that Korea and Germany are like that, been to both countries and then some.

Our laws about the english language alone isn't enforced anymore. I know spanish but pretend I don't because it's not my job to cater to people who don't choose to adapt. I save that vocabulary for when someone does something stupid, which is about everyday in Phoenix.

This whole thing get's me so fired up. Here, just take the shirt off my back and my son's future while you're at it.