Well, the buzzards must signal the departure of the lions. Now the mooselookingstripedwildabeasttypethingies are back in a small pack but they are jumpy as hell.

Vultures: So uhm, you heard?
Mooselookingstripedwildabeasttypethingies: No what?
Vultures: We've had lions around here lately.
Mooselookingstripedwildabeasttypethingy: (looks left, looks right, scanning the savanah) Lions you say.
Vultures: Ah yheap. L-i-o-n , Lions.
Mooselookingstripedwildabeasttypethingy: Crap. That must be why we can't find Steve.
Vultures: Was Steve a mooselookingstripedwildabeasttypethingy?
Mooselookingstripedwildabeasttypethingy: YEAH! Have you seen him?
Vultures: You could say that. laugh
If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure. - Vice President James Danforth "Dan" Quayle