
You're an Army Captain right? I waited till I was retired from the Navy after 20 years to have children. Just so I would not leave them to go on deployment. How is what you're doing different from me having my children in child care? what is the deployment cycle for Army? 18 months or twelve? Don't get me wrong what we do is valuable for our country. But will you not miss out on the developmental progress your child is making and do so willingly? Have you seen the developmental problems young children have when one parent is missing either through deployment or through separation as one other poster has told us.
I see my children each and every night. I go over their day with them and take them on a walk, all the while knowing I could never have done that while I was active duty. I have arrived at the pier from a 6 month deployment too many times to count and watched children screaming to get away from this stranger in the white crackerjacks. It is truly heart wrenching. My children will never have their daddy leave for a deployment. I'm sure your children will turn out just fine, but the daily contact is what I won't have to do without.