Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Paul H:

[b]I am still of the middle. No one here has absolutely convinced me......
Don't worry about what side of the debate you were on. The question itself is intentional designed to immediately confuse people....[/b]
That is 100% true. The first time I pondered this question I momentarily thought "no". But as I thought deeper, I realized the irrelevance of the belt.

I posed this question to both of my brothers and they both gave the correct answer. One is a music teacher and the other is not degreed but lightly technical. TJ asked some non-technical people who were able to come up with the correct answer, also.

Some people can reject their initial hangups and swallow the pride of being initially wrong to reach the sensible conclusion.

Anybody who claims to be an engineer who does not understand this question should be ashamed of themselves. This is a very simple problem which requires very little technical knowledge, but (apparently) plenty of common sense.

Originally posted by NY Madman:

...You are correct though when you say there will be problems with the wheels. While looking at another site that claimed to have a lot of pilots, there were guys who gave data regarding the amount of stress and abuse the wheels could take. A standard passenger airliner couldn't take the abuse and stress placed on the wheels. They would come apart and the plane would crash... hence no takeoff........
That is not true.

Aircraft tires and landing gears are required (by the FAA) to be tested to a factor of safety of 1.5 for 200 cycles. So that means a 200 mph tire and bearing should easily be able to withstand some extra wheelspin. Additionally, taking off is much less stressful than landing due to the lack of impact. The plane is also achieving lift as it achieves airspeed, thus lessening the load on the landing gear, wheel and tire. Tires being tested do not have this advantage because they are tested under full load by a machine.

Regardless, that's just a copout by somebody who doesn't want to embrace the a different answer because they feel they'll lose face by admitting it.


It sounds like most people have taken the time to read what has been posted and come to terms with the simple answer.

