We woke up this morning to find black, tarry stuff sprayed everywhere in the laundry room where the dogs spend the night. We rushed them both into the vet (we couldn't tell who had done what), and they asked about rat poisons and other kinds of chemicals, none of which we can think of that he would have gotten into, but they don't know what else could have caused it.

The vet actually said, "there's blood just pouring out of his back end right now." frown

He's staying in the hospital now, probably over the holiday. When my husband went back there to check on him after he got all hooked up to the IVs and whatnot, he could barely lift his head, and he's usually a super-excitable golden retriever. frown

Our other dog seems to be as healthy as can be, so thank God for that. But the other one... I guess it's kinda touch and go right now. The vet did say that she's seen dogs that, once they get this out of their system, they're perfectly fine in a couple of days. Others, they just never recover. So, who knows?

It's amazing how attached we get to animals.