Originally posted by BlueSky:

For those of you who support it, let me ask you a question: at what point do the interrogators decide that their current subject has no useful information? Wouldn't they pretty much have to render the person dead or damaged for life to be sure they weren't just holding out?
Probably, yes. What's your point?

What astounds me the most is that you trust the government - which proves itself incompetent at best and corrupt at worst on a regular basis - to decide who needs to be tortured. Could you be any more naive?
So, what alternative are you suggesting? Picketing? Bitching? Passing out Flowers? I'll do some research and I'll vote. Occasionally I'll write some congressmen. Realistically, that's ALL I can do. I'll tell you this much; at the time, the government did its best under the circumstances and none of us know 100% of the rationale for their decisions. You would rather trust CNN's interpretation of the events? THAT, my friend, is naive.

For those of you who are convinced that waterboarding isn't torture...
Maybe I wasn't clear. I believe it most certainly *IS* torture and if it helps, even the slightest little tiny bit, to keep this country free from another terrorist attack, then I'm all for it.
kjw &

The liver is evil, and must be punished...