Originally posted by ChefTyler:
Ok, so terrorists (doesn't matter their religion, nationality, etc...) kill every single person that you care about. But it could have been prevented with intel.
Something, somewhere, somehow, is going to kill every single person I care about--my wife, my son, my friends and family. How and when they die is, for the most part, out of my control. I have no illusions about how little power I personally have to protect them from the big, bad world. But how they die and when they die is of much less concern to me than how they live! I want to see my son grow up a human being who does not torture or murder, and does not condone others to torture or murder so that he doesn't have to deal with the big, bad world. I love my family more than anything, but I won't sacrifice their relationship with God so that they can be safe. No one is ever safe. Safety is a temporary condition at best, an insidious lie at worst. Everyone will be killed. Not everyone will live righteously. I won't have my family live like cowards, and to do so, if I have to sacrifice my own safety, to show them that a just and righteous life can be lived, even when others are attacking you, then that's it. That's all there is to do.