Originally posted by Shahram:

I think it's hilarious how you constantly single out my race and heritage as some deciding factor in the validity of my opinion. Funnier still how you never mention that I'm half Scottish and a Presbyterian. How come my love for this country isn't obfuscated by my hatred for the English? How come I'm never handing out insults like kippers at a fish smoking competition?

No, really, Madman, why do you always bring up my race?
What is hilarious is that you are trying to claim that Islam is a race... or at least in your case it is somehow a race.

Islam is NOT a race. Don't act like an idiot and try to make any questions regarding Islam into a bogus racial issue. You do nothing but try to obfuscate everything presented in your direction.

Poor little Shahram. You're such a victim.

Keep the race card in your pocket for left wing idiots who don't know any better. I don't give a damn about your racial background. I've never made a point of your racial background.

I asked you some questions because you are a Muslim. That has nothing to do with race. Most Muslims in the world are not Arab. Most are not even from the Middle East. You are not even of Arab extraction. I have always known that, yet somehow you are whipping out a race card. You are just as Caucasian as I am. You are just a pussy.

Let's get past your newfound "victimhood" status and go back to the original questions posed to you as a Muslim or Muslim American. What I said and asked is here.......

People like you and some of the others who try to claim that we are no different than the terrorists because we waterboarded a few of the worst of them, couldn't be further from the truth.

You use the issue for own ends or agenda.

Not a single person who thinks that "waterboarding is torture" has ever come up with a single solution or method to get information from these hardened terrorists. All of whom are well versed in interrogation methods and who even have their own training manuals. Most of whom are more than willing to give up their own lives for their cause.

These people are unlike any other enemy this country has faced. Many either don't realize that fact, or maybe some just don't care.

But, you know these people and their determination.

You yourself are a Muslim. You have never once that I have seen, denounced these Islamic fanatics... nor as a Muslim who claims to love his country,... have you ever offered a constructive method to combat these fanatics.

All I have ever seen you do is denigrate this country; the methods it uses to fight these Islamic fanatics; and denigration of anyone who supports the fight against Islamic terrorism.

How about some constructive dialog from you for a change. How about some ideas from an American Muslim who just might love his country more than he loves Islam.

I hope I am talking about you Shahram.
Well... What are your answers?

You are a Muslim. What is the Muslim American answer to solving the Muslim terrorist problem? Surely you must have some ideas.

I don't think that it is out of line to ask such a question. Especially of you since you constantly do nothing but attack everyone else for even being critical of Muslims and Islamic terrorism.

Islamic terrorists often kill more of other Muslims then they do anyone else.

So as a Muslim, and an American, what are your ideas for combating Islamic terrorism? Your fellow citizens would like to know. Muslim Americans have been very quiet regarding ideas on combating Islamic terrorism when they should be the ones with the most ideas.

The "official" Muslim organizations that claim to represent Muslims in this country like CAIR have terrorist connections. They also cry "victim" like you are doing right now so they can avoid questions. Are you one of them?

The media talks about the "moderate Muslims". Most Americans never hear from these elusive moderate Muslims. Why is that?

What is the "moderate Muslim" plan or ideas for fighting Islamic terrorism?

You have a big fucking mouth and an opinion about everything else except the group of which you are a part of and now trying to claim victim status as a part of that group. That's pathetic.

That says a lot about you Shahram.

People like you should be the ones at the forefront of this fight. Sadly that is not the case.