Originally posted by InfX708:
How many of you who favor legalization of pot are in favor of repealing the gun control act of 1968? Other than Kaiser. You can have your pot as long as I can buy a machine gun made last year without having to be a dealer. That way when you get high and do something stupid like threaten me - and most pot heads can be drawn into making threats against someone's life - I have a fighting chance. In reality, folks, it can't be tested for on the streets. How would you like to have to go to the hospital to have blood drawn every time you get pulled over? Probable cause to administer a breathalyzer is the appearance of being intoxicated. For pot, that means a needle in the arm. If you're a known offender, it's even more likely you'll get stuck for every traffic stop. If they legalize it, I want to see heavy taxation and heavy punishment for tax evasion. Most dealers currently could be charged with tax evasion, unless they are reporting the income from the pot sales.
Hey, I know what side of the fence you're on as a "never used it before" hardcore military guy, and I respect that. I did my time in the service too, however, you're way off on this one. The only agression out of a pothead you'll see is towards an unsuspecting pizza or a bag of Doritos.

I'm pro gun too. I vote republican, though my leanings are far more liberatarian. I'm conservative in most of my beliefs, however, the war on drugs was lost before it started. Our government wastes more money prosecuting and incarcerating relatively harmless drug users than you can imagine. Think if that money were directed towards the fight on terrorism instead.

Legalize it all. Tax the shit out of it. Make it affordable enough and available enough to put the drug dealers on the street out of business. By doing so you eliminate the criminal element from this.

Users are users whether it's legal or not. Remember that, it's important. As a society, we can continue letting this issue chip away at our tax dollars fighting it, or we can turn it into something profitable through the tax revenue it could generate.

If you think potheads are aggressive, you truly have bought into all the bullshit propaganda that's been fed to you by the war on drugs campaign.

Do some research and find out what most of your violent criminals were under the influence of. My bet is that you'll find alcohol is the #1.