The point is, people try to make a case by using the two wrongs make a right argument. Who the hell cares if alcohol or tobacco is legal or not? It has nothing to do with marijuana and is a whole different discussion. Give us reasons as to why marijuana is healthy enough for everyone and should therefore be legal? No one can, so they resort to the "it's safer than such and such, so why not?". The only thing I hear is about all the money from taxes. Again, who cares? Money should not be a factor on something that affects the health and safety of everyone. If it's something that's going to be made legal for my son as he gets older, I'd like to hear why it would be safe for him. When you make something legal, you make it legal for everyone... not just what you do in your own time. For those that remember or have re-read this thread, I've already mentioned my bad experiences with it so I'm all for keeping it illegal until someone can show me otherwise without comparing it to something else.
Hoosier by birth, Red Raider by choice... like KNIGHT and day.