Originally posted by stone:

""They have absolutely no idea what a drug such as marijuana does to non-white and non-middle class people and their neighborhoods and so-called "communities"."

[Steps away and distances himself from Madman.]

And I WAS going to quote the reason you think it should be illegal is that it will make people potheads. I laughed and laughed at that.

And then I saw the most inappropriate racial comment I've seen in some time and went with that.....
There is nothing racist about what I said. It is the truth that drugs have had a much more negative impact on the black population than the white population. Are you denying that fact?

There are many reasons why this true. One reason could be that many black people don't seem to have the same support system at home and the same family structure as many white people.

That opens a much larger sociological debate where a lot of the culpability for that rests squarely in the lap of government itself. The government's so-called "war on poverty" has been extremely destructive on many levels. That is the costliest and most destructive so-called "war" ever initiated by the government. Their "war on poverty" has done nothing but destroy several generations of Americans and doom them to government dependency and a life wrought with a sense of despair.

I previously asked a question of the pro-legalization people regarding drug counselors. How many drug counselors advocate for the legalization of drugs? No one has answered that question. Everyone has avoided it. Also, how many serious black community leaders advocate for the legalization of pot? They know first hand what drugs do to their community. That includes marijuana. They know better than some white dude sitting in a nice house in suburbia smoking a bong and advocating the legalization of a drug because he thinks it is benign.


I've already said that I believe legalizing pot will create a larger user base. More people will be willing to try it. More people will be willing to buy it if there were no legal ramifications involved. If you could just walk into a store and buy a pack of "joints" as easily as a six pack of beer or a pack of cigarettes, usage would undoubtedly increase. Society needs less stoners and potheads. Not more of them.


Another thing to consider........... Even if marijuana were to be seriously considered for legalization, I don't think it should be considered for legalization in this country until there was a device which law enforcement could easily determine if someone is driving under the influence of marijuana on a routine car stop. Something like an alcohol breathalyser, but for pot. Possibly analyzing saliva. Something that could stand up in court. Even things like blood tests which may be required after an accident where people have been hurt, rarely stand up in court for marijuana intoxication because any good lawyer can blow that off because of the way the body metabolizes THC and the concentrations that linger in the body. Law enforcement would need some tools prior to any serious consideration of marijuana legalization.


The fraud known as "medical marijuana" may also soon be taking a big kick in the ass because it seems an inhaler has been developed as a delivery device for the drug and may be approved for use in the United States in the near future.

Link to article...

Once that is approved, the "medical marijuana" fraud will loose almost all of it's steam and so-called legal and moral arguments.