NY Madman, you wrote how illegal drugs like marijuana are negatively impacting the Black race and the Whites and Hispanics are the ones responsible. I say bullshit. Legal and illegal drugs negatively impact all races. Your statement comes close to claiming that the Black race is subservient to the Whites and Hispanics – I don’t think that was what you meant to convey, was it?

In response to your drug counselor argument, I say this: A drug counselor advocating the legalization of any drug is like a judge advocating the repeal of drunk driving laws – its not going to happen on principle. Secondly, any paid drug counselor will not advocate legalizing the drugs that he gets paid to counsel people on.

In response to your Black leader argument, I say this: Blacks and Whites alike would shun a Black leader that advocated the legalization of drugs. White leaders would do no better in arguing for the legalization of drugs. If leaders go too far against the “moral fabric” of society, they will cease to be leaders, instead they will become outcasts. That is why any legalization movement would have to come from the student population – just like what happened in the mid 70s with the anti-draft movement.

I do agree with you that law enforcement would have difficulty in determining impairment when it comes to being under the influence of marijuana.