why would you want to remove the pinstriping you worked ever so hard to put on?? confused

It's a truck, scratches give it it's own charactoristics laugh

but if your determined on getting them out meguires has a prety good 3 step detailing products. Or you may want to look into having someone (detail shop) buff it. The can usually heat up the clear coat enough(if its just light scratches) with a buffer and pull those abrasions out. I have seen a few people get their trucks done and you couldn't even tell the paint/clear coat was ever scratched. And some the scrathes seemed to come back after a few washings.

i would try a buffing compound befor anything.
good luck/happy trails

ohh how was your first wheelin xperience in the X?
We are born wet, naked, and hungry, get slapped on our ass ... then things get worse