OK I got more info on Amsoil. They have a 7500 mile and a 30,000 oil. and range between $5-6 a quart much less for a gal. or case.
The more people that would like some the lower the price. The lady on the phone told me that I could be a dealer for the X's. That is fine with me I'm not looking to make money (I LOVE my job.. at work after spending 4 hours online, XOC, I sat down for some TV ..my boss came in and told me to take a nap.) I just want every to get a good deal. If you think you might want some Amsoil shoot me an email.
Allen Powell

Gator Saver
2000 Blue SE 4x2
Florida Xtreme Xterras
Real Men Wear Kilts
Real Men Wear Kilts
Member number #112 Aug. 20, 2000