This code lit up my ses light, along w/325. Now, 325 is the knock sensor and I'm not too concerned w/it, for now. Could be just a blip.

1441, on the other hand, wants to send me to the DSM. Before I wade thru all that I thought I'd see if anybody else has chased down that code.

The DSM states that it's a "EVAP very small leak". It's somewhere between the fuel tank and the EVAP canister purge volume control solenoid valve. Jeez. That's the valve that controls the vapor release to the intake manifold.

So, anyway, I've got a very small vacuum leak. The last month or so I've been smelling slight gas fumes around the rear of my truck after a run, and I think this has something to do with it. Gas cap is tight, but I think a good first move is to r&r the cap. I'm also going to r&r the fuel filter. But as far as the code goes I think I'll be spinning my wheels.

Has anybody ever set this code and found a solution? Feedback w/b appreciated.

Oh, yeah. '01 Frontier S/C 82K