Originally posted by JeffW:
I have no idea why the gay community insists on pushing their "gayness" on everyone. Things
I have to chime in on this one because I recently saw something that infuriated me. I live in DC and recently went into the Smithsonian's Museum of American History (same museum that just got Jerry's puffy shirt) because I have lived here my whole life and never find time to go into all the free museums we have here. Anyway...there is a section of war memorablia from all of the major wars... WWI stuff..WWII exhibits..etc. I am browsing the vietmam exhibit with all sorts of touching photos, dog tags, matchbooks, and letters back home to mom that never made it. Really moving stuff....then I see the gay vietnam display.


It was an exhibit with military artifacts wrapped in rainbows and adorned with pink triangles. Why oh why must the gays bring gayness into a friggin military exhibit?? mad What is the significance here? Are supposed to honor the gay soldiers more than the straight ones? These guys were soldiers in a nasty war..what does gayness have to do with anything??? Man, I was soooooo pissed. I stormed out......but not before seeing the Puffy Shirt.