Because a man and a wife is normal, socially acceptable behavior for humans.

Why are STD's so rampant among gays? Very few gays are monogomous. I've watched the effect of AIDS on a couple of gay coworkers who I considered friends. It was pitiful to see, and it was his lifestyle of sleeping around that got them there. Most lack the moral fabric to keep themselves healthy...and now we're teaching our kids that this behavior (it IS a behavior) is OK.

Whoever made the comment about liberal thought ruining this country is on to something. While I'm a believer in individual liberty, I also believe that you have to exercise self control on the issue. The notion that everyone should emrbrace homosexuality is bullshit. I don't have to. That's me exercising my own liberty. Family values are more important to me. And no, that doesn't mean a gay couple adopting kids...that's a travesty. Kids should be brought up in a traditional family setting. And yes, many heteros haven't figured that out yet either as they expose their kids to horrible childhoods because of their parents' problems. But even those problems can be linked to people who can't exercise any self control over the freedoms they have either. And I agree that makes them no better than a homosexual.

Before I get ragged, I know there are heteros that sleep around like it's nobody's business, and I have no more respect for that than I do for permiscuous gays.

The topic was about gays being openly gay in the military. Sexuality has no place in 95% of the workplaces....ANY sexuality. Most corporations don't allow it. In the military, where comraderie wins battles, and division among the troops loses them, there's no place for this.

You want to be gay? Go ahead. It's a free country. Keep the flaunting of the lifestyle away from my kids and our military.