Originally posted by jerseydevi1:
There will be no moral values allowed in this country! If you mention the bible or God, you will be ridiculed. The family as you know it is a thing of the past. This is what the liberals want.

Do not let them bully you out of your thoughts. They wonder why Bush won? Maybe they need to look at themselves. This country is getting tired of accepting every deviant behavior known to man. Hell, there are even freaks who think that Michael (child toucher) Jackson should be allowed to do what he does, it's his right. Give me a break!
Why is it that only your religion is supported? So you believe in god and your lifestyle is affected by that. So why hate on people who believe in being gay and choosing that as a life style. If people who are gay can go through all hatred and discrimination that is against them and still practice what they believe in, then I will respect that. Who the hell are you to say that what you believe in is better then what a gay person believes in. You believe in the bible good for you!! Others believe in the koran!!! good for them, but nothing makes your book better then anyother religion.

As regarding the military: Aren't there rules that prohibit sexually behavior towards another officer? Meaning if you make a pass towards a female officer don't you get punished? Why not do the same for everyone.