Originally posted by Mostly_Harmless:
Why is it that only your religion is supported?
Uh...what? Support? You've got to be kidding me, right?

Don't you realize that Christianity gets slammed every day in one way, shape or form? Whether it's some dolt trying to get rid of "Under God" out of our Pledge of Allegiance, or another trying to get the Ten Commandments out of a courthouse.

Now, how do you think people that are Christian react? Most turn the other cheek, or try to make a valid argument for their case/cause until they realize that it is futile, and just plain give up speaking their mind (see jerseydevil's post above).

I have heard people get bashed for being critical of the Muslim faith. But the same people can turn around and be just as critical of the Christian life and yet they are lauded for speaking out against the faith. Where did we go wrong here, people?

I follow as much as a Christian lifestyle as my need for enjoyment of life allows. Doesn't seem very Christian? Maybe not, but I certainly don't allow myself to bash one religion and then turn around and say another should not be criticized.

Do I believe in God? Perhaps. Do I believe in Allah? I don't know, I wasn't brought up as a Muslim. Does that mean my beliefs are right? According to me, they have to be, don't they? Or why else would they be my beliefs? Do I believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes. Do I go around and look for homosexuals to ridicule and bash? Absolutely not. Do I think they belong in the military? Absolutely - they have just as much of a right to get their arms and legs blown off by militant Muslims as a heterosexual.

But PLEASE don't tell me that having Christian beliefs in this day and age is out of style, or not hip, or not cool, or whatever the coined phrase is this week.

I have a hunch that in a few more decades, we will all wish we had a little more faith, and myabe, just MAYBE a little more unification of church and state. Because where we're headed, just doesn't appeal to me that much.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”