Talk to them? I talk to them every day. I went to that bar with friends I had that happened to be gay.

You're getting me wrong. I'm not going to dislike someone solely based on the premise they're gay. What I am saying is that it's not natural and I don't see where it's appropriate to go around making everyone believe it's normal and OK. Because I strongly disagree with your sexual orientation doesn't mean I can't get past that with the individual. I tried to understand it. I don't.

Be gay. Go sodomize the entire San Francisco 49ers franchise for all I care. Just respect the wishes of heteros who don't want to and don't want their kids exposed to it.

BTW, Digitized, I have no problem telling you to pimp your disgusting values right to your face. You can tell me I'm full of shit if you'd like. Show up on one of the large 4x4 events I put on each year if you'd like. (AZ Run VI), March of 2006 is the next one, or come wheeling in Arizona ANY TIME and I'll show you our trails. I'm not "hiding" anywhere.