Originally posted by Mobycat:
Originally posted by jerseydevi1:
[b]What you left wingers fail to grasp is that the government is not forcing anyone to choose a religion or belief system, but that enough of this country is christian, and is tired of having it's value system be the one that gets trampled.
What you right wingers fail to grasp is nobody is trying to trample your religion or belief system - as long as it's NOT on government property - you know, the same property that EVERYONE, even atheists, own.[/b]
There's your problem, you don't realize that it is public, and therefore able to be used by all. Put your atheist beliefs up right next to it, but as long as the government is not lining up the citizens to go to church, there is nothing wrong with a 10 commandments display, or a menorah, or the koran. NOBODY IS FORCING YOU TO BELIEVE.
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. " -Thomas Jefferson