Originally posted by Desert_Rat:
Yeah, Mobycat, but it's different wathcing a bunch of guys slow dance with eachother, tongue wrestling, and grabbing at each other's packages.

[Uh Oh !]
It may be different, but #1 you didn't have to go to the bar, #2 you weren't forced to participate.

My wife and I went to a gay bar a few Halloweens back. It was different, but the interaction was actually much more tame than going to the "meat market" college bars around town. I had the courage... or more like the necessity, to use the bathroom. I half expected some sort of freak show in there but much to my surprise, people were... well... using the bathroom for it's intended purpose.

I don't have a problem with homosexuals... but the issue of gays in the military is a difficult one. How can you publicly integrate gays without destroying the unit's interaction? When the bullets start flying, I imagine homosexuals would fight just as well as heteros. But leading up to that point, there would be a lot of strife... gonads and strife..... laugh
You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.
--Frank Zappa