Originally posted by NY Madman:
Because of this Supreme Court ruling there are no more effective sodomy laws in any state.

This is a dark day in American history. The Supreme Court has once again over stepped its bounds and made a policy decision instead of defending the Constitution. Something that is totally out of the scope of its powers.


It's decisions like this and the inevitable fallout that could sow the seeds for a second civil war. If shit like this keeps up I can easily see secession movements starting up in the future. It might be a good idea this time.
Wow, this is quite possibly the most paranoid ultra-conservative delusional bullshit you have spewed here so far.

How exactly does someone else's right to have anal sex affect you, your family, or your rights as an individual? Why is it "beyond" the powers of the Court to protect the rights of all individuals in this country? Just because you don't agree with Graham and Chia's habits ( wink ), doesn't mean you, or the Texas government have any right stop them. Remember, "All men (even the gay ones) are created equal."

I do agree with you on one point, we may one day get enough paranoid, delusional fucking morons like yourself together in a group and start another succession movement. I can only hope that your little band of Elitist Ultra-Conservative Christian Warriors takes things a little too far and get put down quickly and quietly. [Freak]

Riddle me this Batman, since the other 49 states in the Union long ago decided not to have effective sodomy laws, why wasn’t your easily ignited succession movement set off sooner?

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