Originally posted by OhioXterra:
Originally posted by xterrabull:
[b]Is that loophole really still open?
I thought Nissan was notified of it...I guess I assumed it had been closed. confused
I did pay the $20 backs way back when...then i realized you could type in any Nissan vehicle model/year in the address window & come up w/a manual for that vehicle (& the chapters had same title format for all models). I downloaded the 350Z manual just as wishful thinking (I'm still hoping it'll turn out to be some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy). laugh
What is the syntax you're using? I'm confused.[/b]
As I recall, when you had a PDF file open, the URL address window would read something like ".../2001Xterra/ec.pdf", which would be the Engine Control System manual for the 2001 Xterra. What I found is, if you typed in something like ".../1999Pathfinder/ec.pdf", you would then be taken to the engine control system chapter for the 1999 pathfinder. The formatting for each chapter was the same: fwd.pdf was the table of contents chapter, which had the links for each subsequent chapter (lc.pdf, ec.pdf, mt.pdf, at.pdf, etc....).
So, if you typed ".../2000Altima/fwd.pdf" you would be taken to the table of contents for the Altime FSM, where you could then click on whatever chapter you were interested in (and download it).
I'd be very surprised if it were still possible to do this though.