Originally posted by 2001frontier:

Oh hell. He is a fucking dirtbag, and does not deserve to breathe our air. This guy has been a rejectionist from the start. His uncle, who is a Palestinian hero, conspired with Hitler to wipe out the Jews, and incited violence against the Jews time after time. People wonder why Sharon refuses to deal with him. He knows the truth, thats why.
Yes ... I agree. I think he is a dirtbag and should be in a million pieces all over his compound in Ramallah. He will burn in hell eventually.

I do think that the West has propped him up for too many years. Because of that Israel is between a rock and a hard place. I have no doubt they wanted to kill him 30 years ago but they were stopped by Western governments including our own.

Have you ever noticed though that the only American presidents who kissed his ass were Democrats. Guess who was probably the most frequent visitor to the White House during Clinton's years?

Exiling him won't work. No other country wants him. He is too much trouble. Besides he can still run his terror operation abroad just like he used to do from Tunis.

I say... Let the chips fall where they may and exile him or kill him .... preferrably both. Bush is protecting him not only out of fear of the "so-called" Arab street, but out of fear of Arafat's Western European supporters.

We all know the other Arab countries don't give two shits about the Palestinians. They just use them in their anti-Israeli bullshit which by default leads to anti-American bullshit.

It wouldn't be smart for us to conspire to outright kill him now because of the war on terror. Middle Eastern insanity would explode.

If he were to suddenly die of a heart attack soon... well maybe that's the ticket.