I think building permanent monument to the Ten Commandments on Government property is definitely a no-no. If they allowed that, they would have to allow any faith to erect any kind of monument it wanted in honor of any religion or lack thereof.

I likewise think that having a manger or religious decorations on Government land during the holidays is wrong, if it is put up by the city, state or government. HOWEVER... I think a little common sense would be nice. A local park in our county is set aside during the holidays so that groups can display Christmas and Hannukka decorations. Some of the displays get quite religious. A few people, (not even from our community) have threatened to sue because of the percieved violation of the church & State separation. Get real... :rolleyes: There's nothing stopping them from putting up a really drab display calling for an end to religion.

The radicals on both sides need a real dose of [Save the fine unicorns]
You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.
--Frank Zappa