Originally posted by xterrapin:
The rule of law is all that exists.
This is an incredibly ignorant statement. If it were true, we would have computers for judges. Judges make "judgement" calls. They define the law, they create laws, they interpret laws. They are not enforcers who command the "rule of law that is all that exists."

This is why supreme court judges write extensive OPINIONS regarding the votes they make on the laws that are sent to them for interpretation. Its also why Roe V Wade is STILL debated in this country, even though there is a LAW.

This judge in Alabama is an elected official, there is no doubt in my mind that he personally believes it is wrong to remove those commandments, and obviously many of his constituents feel the same. He instituted a peaceful protest and did what he could WITHIN the law to keep them as long as he could to raise some awareness of his plight.

I'm behind him 100%. It saddens me to see the general direction the country is headed in.... elimination of any mention of the Bible or Biblical text in schools or government buildings, legal gay marriages, legal gambling, prostitution, etc.

I don't mean to sound like a TV evangelist or anything, but the trend is definately AWAY from biblical principal in this country. Ever read what happens to countries like that in the Bible? Its interesting. Its not good! Fire, brimstone, pillars of salt, etc....
kjw &

The liver is evil, and must be punished...