Originally posted by KJ_dragon:
Originally posted by Guido:
[b]As I get older and especially after the birth of my daughter, I find myself wondering if I should be more of a God fearing person.
I don't like the term "God Fearing Person". God has many attributes - Love, all knowing, Righteous, omnipresent, eternal, etc... Fear is such a negative term. How about changin it to a "God Loving Person"?

I think one of the problems comes from the English language. There is only one word for "Fear". Whereas in the Chinese language (for example) there are two words for fear. One is a "good fear" or a fear of respect and submission.(like how you fear your parents when you are little kid) the other is a "bad fear" and that is a fear of control, or of power of something unknown. (like the fear of the bully at school, who will kick your a** for milk money.)[/b]
KJ_Dragon, in my interpretation, this wording of fear does mean utter respect. It also means obedience. I get this by analyzing and reading all accounts where the "fear of God" is stated in the scriptures.

Some Christian religions interpret fear the way you stated as a more "bad fear" or I would say negative fear. Good point to bring that up.